Update A

Hello everyone! I would apologize for the lack of updates, but truly given the work I HAVE been doing in the background...I don't think it's the most necessary.

This is the first no file update, mainly due to it being more of an announcement I guess? I'll be revising the whole document. Obviously in the previous files, there was a lot of missing pieces. To me however, there was also a lot of incoherent flow logic. Various rules and tidbits would be spread across pages rather than in one easy place to reference. I hope its understood that, that is why this game is free (as much as I would appreciate any sort of donation of course). I don't want to sell or even advertise an in progress project. If it was solely balancing, that's one thing. I can release multiple versions of a game...but not if the game isn't even operational. To the total of 9 downloads on here and around 60 on DriveThru (holy shit, that itself is wild), there is much work to be done.

Itch.io will likely hold the most up to date files during this revision period. And I'm still mastering Affinity Publisher to make proper shortcuts, easier workflow adjustments, and more. But it IS being worked on. As much as being jobless IS an upsetting experience, it also is a moment for me to work on this while I'm not burnt out. In an odd way, I've been letting myself go lately. Not in a terrible way, just inefficient and in a way I'm not content with. But that's now on the downhill slope, and I am very, VERY excited to start getting this right.

I've been hosting a playtest of something special I'm putting at the end of the game doc. Mainly to experiment and test mechanics, while also providing something as a reference for those running the game. I deeply, deeply respect anyone who takes on the responsibility to host games. I've not provided the ease of access experience as of yet, but it will come. And only once it is fully added can I possibly consider the game complete.

Most updates will likely be rambles like this. Knowledge and raw thought. Apologies in advance, but there will always be a "No File" tag to indicate if you NEED to read an update.

(I've just finished remaking the outline, even for parts not added to the current visible versions.)

- Victoria Valentine, communicator of the Valentine Estate.

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